B I P L A N E S THE GAME Two armed biplanes face each other in a duel to the death. Only one pilot can survive. Being shot or hitting the ground is fatal, although nobody gains if the planes collide. Extra lives can be gained by shooting the hot air balloons which peacefully drift across the screen. Planes that fly off one side of the screen reappear on the other side. Planes that hit the top of the screen just kinda stay there. CONTROLS Player 1 Player 2 Spin Clockwise X Spin Anti-Clockwise Z Fire or Nitro-Boost or ADVICE TO ALL PLAYERS - Never try chocolate covered sushi. Also: - Go easy on Nitros until you've mastered flying. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS - 286 with EGA graphics. ADVERTISEMENT If you enjoy this game, then for £5 you can get the latest version plus many other Fish Programming games. Send all cheques (made out to Daniel Winterstein), postal orders, fivers, book tokens, death threats, etc. to: Fish Programming 56 Wavendon Avenue Chiswick London W4 4NS COPYRIGHT NOTICE Biplanes is public domain. It may be freely copied, but must not be distributed for profit without the prior consent of Fish Programming. The program remains the copyright of Fish Programming.